IP Rating Definitions
Ingress Protection Ratings (IP Ratings)
A critical factor to consider when developing specifications for electrical equipment is the range of environments in which the equipment will be operating in. Not only is this understanding important in maximizing the performance, reliability, and life of the equipment but even more essential in ensuring the safety of those handling, manufacturing, operating, or maintaining the equipment.
Ingress Protection (IP) Ratings provide standards on the levels of protection against the ingress of external solid and liquid contaminants for electrical enclosures. With an understanding of the IP rating required for a specific application, Power Electric ensures that our motor or gear motor solution meets the specified IP standard.
The first digit in the IP rating refers to the level of protection against ingress of a solid object. The second digit refers to the level of protection against liquid ingress. The table below summarizes the levels of both solid and liquid ingress protection.
For example: A motor or gear motor with an IP54 rating means it is dust proof and provides protection against water splashed from all directions (for 5 minutes @ 10 liters per minute flow rate at a pressure of 80-100 kPA).
Follow the charts below for definitions of each number.

Not sure which level of IP you require for your equipment? Call our applications engineering department and they can help guide you to the right IP specification for your unique application.